
a-color-picker | for web app


  • npm install a-color-picker --save
  • bower install a-color-picker --save
  • a-color-picker is available on jsdelivr

Create a picker

Define an HTML element to contain the picker and use AColorPicker.from(selector) to create it.
The default picker is created with HSL, RGB and HEX controls.
The acp-color attribute is used to set the initial value.

See the Pen WJoQBm by Caldi Gianfranco ( @narsenico) on CodePen.

Choose which controls to show

Show or hide controls through attributes.
acp-show-* attributes accepts yes/no/true/false values. Attributes without value are considered true.

See the Pen a-color-picker demo attr by Caldi Gianfranco ( @narsenico) on CodePen.


Show a palette of colors using the acp-palette attribute.
Set a list of colors - named color, hex rgb, rgb(), rgba(), hsl(), hsla() - pipe separated or a predefined palette (PALETTE_MATERIAL_500, PALETTE_MATERIAL_CHROME).
The acp-palette-editable attribute can be set to allow the user to change the palette.

See the Pen a-color-picker demo palette editable by Narsenico ( @narsenico) on CodePen.


To attach an event use on method and off to detach it.

    .on(eventName, callback)
    .off(eventName, callback)
Event name Callback parameters
change picker target
color selected color
coloradd picker target
color color added
colorremove picker target
color color removed or null if all colors are removed


  • Click on the preview circle to copy current color
  • Shift-click on a palette color to remove it
  • Shift-click the '+' button to remove all the palette colors


AColorPicker.createPicker(element, options)

Create a color picker.

element HTMLElement, jQuery object or css selector string.
Optional: if not defined, options.attachTo is used.
options See options
Optional only if element is defined.
A ACPController instance
AColorPicker.from(selector, options)

Create one or more color pickers.

selector HTMLElement, NodeList, jQuery object or css selector string.
options Optional, see options
An array of ACPController. This array has helper methods on and off to attach/detach events to all items.
AColorPicker.parseColor(color, outFormat)

Parse color in input and return formatted value.

color Value to be parsed
Accepts color name, rgb array, hex rgb, rgb(), rgba(), hsl(), hsla()
outFormat Output format, one of: rgb, rgbcss, rgbcss4, rgba, rgbacss, hsl, hslcss, hslcss4, hsla, hslacss, hex, hexcss4.
If outFormat is a plain object, will be filled with all formats as properties.
Formatted color or undefined if not recognized.
AColorPicker.parseColor("red");           // return [255, 0, 0]
AColorPicker.parseColor("red", "rgb");    // return [255, 0, 0]
AColorPicker.parseColor("red", "rgbcss"); // return "rgb(255, 0, 0)"
AColorPicker.parseColor("red", "rgbcss4");// return "rgb(255, 0, 0, 1)"
AColorPicker.parseColor("red", "rgba");   // return [255, 0, 0, 1]
AColorPicker.parseColor("red", "rgbacss");// return "rgba(255, 0, 0, 1)"
AColorPicker.parseColor("red", "hsl");    // return [0,100,50]
AColorPicker.parseColor("red", "hslcss"); // return "hsl(0, 100, 50)"
AColorPicker.parseColor("red", "hslcss4");// return "hsl(0, 100, 50, 1)"
AColorPicker.parseColor("red", "hsla");   // return [0, 100, 50, 1]
AColorPicker.parseColor("red", "hslacss");// return "hsla(0, 100, 50, 1)"
AColorPicker.parseColor("red", "hex");    // return "#ff0000"
AColorPicker.parseColor("red", "hexcss4");// return "#ff0000ff"
AColorPicker.parseColor("red", { });// return { "rgb":[255,0,0], ... }

Can access picker properties and handle events.

Property Type
color Get or set the current color String|Array Accept: named color, hex rgb, rgb(), rgba(), hsl(), hsla()
Return: hex rgb or rgba() if alpha != 1
// set
picker.color = [205, 220, 57];            // [R, G, B]
picker.color = [205, 220, 57, .5];        // [R, G, B, A]
picker.color = "yellow";                  // named color
picker.color = "#ffdd00";                 // hex rgb
picker.color = "#ffdd00ff";               // hex rgba
picker.color = "#fd0";                    // short hex rgb
picker.color = "#fd0f";                   // short hex rgba
picker.color = "rgb(205, 220, 57)";       // rgb() notation
picker.color = "rgb(205, 220, 57, .5)";   // rgb() notation + alpha (css level 4)
picker.color = "rgba(205, 220, 57, .5)";  // rgba() notation
picker.color = "hsl(120, 100, 125)";      // hsl() notation
picker.color = "hsl(120, 100, 125, .5)";  // hsl() notation + alpha (css level 4)
picker.color = "hsla(120, 100, 125, .5)"; // hsla() notation
// get
picker.color; // return "#ffdd00"
picker.color; // return "rgba(205, 220, 57, .5)" if alpha is != 1
// formatting color (see parseColor for detail)
AColorPicker.parseColor(picker.color, "hsl"); // return "hsl(120, 100, 125)"
palette Get or set the current palette Array Array of colors
// set
picker.palette = ['red', '#00ff00', 'rgb(0, 0, 255)']; // array of color
// get
picker.palette; // return ["#ff0000","#00ff00","#0000ff"]
Function Parameters
on Attach an event to the controller. eventName See events for detail
picker.on("change", (picker, color) => { });
off Detach an event from the controller. eventName See events for detail
show Show the picker.
hide Hide the picker.
toggle Show or hide the picker.
setColor Set current color color Same of 'color' property
silent If true the change event will not be triggered
picker.setColor("red", true); // change event not triggered
picker.setColor("red", false); // change event triggered
picker.setColor("red"); // change event triggered

Property Type Default
attachTo Where to attach the picker top element, can be HTMLElement, jQuery object or css selector String|Object body
showHSL If falsy hide the HSL inputs Boolean true
showRGB If falsy hide the RGB inputs Boolean true
showHEX If falsy hide the RGB HEX inputs Boolean true
showAlpha If truly show control to change opacity Boolean false
color Initial color Boolean #ff0000
palette Array of predefined colors.
Each element can be color name, rgb array, hex rgb, rgb(), rgba(), hsl(), hsla()
Array null
paletteEditable If truly make the palette editable Boolean false
useAlphaInPalette If truly enable alpha channel in palette colors,
if 'auto' depends on the value of 'showAlpha'
String|Boolean auto
hueBarSize Size of hue bar in pixel (width, height) Array [150,11]
slBarSize Size of saturation/luminance canvas in pixel (width, height) Array [232,150]